
Check my net speed ookla
Check my net speed ookla

It's worth noticing that the new site, altough most likely still in its development stage, already allows the users to perform a fully-featured s peed test with a brand-new, HTML5-based UI: by seeing this it definitely seems like the old Flash interface will be ditched soon in favor of this new one.Īnd now, for the sad part. We can definitely say that by looking ad the website address that we receive if we choose to get a URL to share our result from the extension itself: the address points to a new website,  featuring a modern, minimalistic layout:

check my net speed ookla

This is a screenshot of my 4G data connection's results using Vodafone italian network:Īnd here's the catch: it seems like the release of this new extension might be the first step of a complete revamp of the whole web-based service. The extension, freely available since the last few days, still lacks some of the advanced features currently available from the  website, such as the historical records of our previous tests: they will most likely be added in the upcoming weeks, together with an improved version of the  website (see below for further info). This means that we can now measure our ping, together with our download and upload average speed granted by our cable or mobile data connection, right from our favourite browser: needless to say, we'll also be able to share our results on Twitter and Facebok with a single click, just like we could already do through the current web app interface. A bunch of years after the launch of the native mobile apps for Android and iOS, Ookla choose to revamp his premium network performance measurement tool known as  by publishing a lightweight, yet fully functional version on the Chrome Web Store.

Check my net speed ookla