
Darkest dungeon crimson court steam key
Darkest dungeon crimson court steam key

darkest dungeon crimson court steam key

The only move skill I'd consider is Uppercut because it pushes Croc to the backline and has a chance to stun it as well. Stuns and DoTs (or even raw burst) are order of the day.

darkest dungeon crimson court steam key

Honestly, putting any emphasis on Move, even for the Croc, is a poor investment. Movement skills in general are not held in high regard - and the Croc is no exception. I think the biggest problem of Crimson Court dungeons is that the tools to best handle the Croc, pushing or pulling him out of rows two and three, borders on worthless. +10 Dodge, +5 - 13% Crit, and +10% weapon damage on everyone is a mean greeting for any collection of bloodsuckers stupid enough to try jumping you. Nighttime Ambushes will occur if you don't keep eyes out but I personally just loaded everyone down with the MaA's suite (Tactics, Weapon's Practice, and his personal buff (forget name)). I don't remember how many trips I personally took to clear out the labyrinth, as it was huge and I made a point of ransacking the whole place, but you can clear it out in one go if you don't care about loot, it's perfectly doable.

darkest dungeon crimson court steam key

MaA defended the Vestal and Jester as needed, and the Hellion hit every rank like a truck. The Jester was basically all about traps and stress healing, chipping in with buffs and the occasional Slice Off as needed (recommend Ancestor's Map + Bright Tambourine). The Vestal was pure healer, though with the Hippocratic Quirk I'd have probably added something like that Sniper's Ring (+15 ACC, +4% Crit, -2 Spd in Rank4) and made better use of Judgement. My preferred team (prior to the re-"balancing" patch) was a Vestal, Jester, Man-at-Arms, and a Flagellant / Hellion.

Darkest dungeon crimson court steam key